To understand which channels and strategies to use and how to use them, you must first understand who you are as an agency and what your goals are.
The channels and strategies that seem dominant today have not always been mainstream.
Marketers who have been in the business longer often point out that, like fashion, lead generation trends come and go.
You need to be clear about who you are and what you want before you start generating leads.
For example, if you want to stay small, scaling up may not mean more clients and employees. Instead, it would mean improving your impact on the client's business and your prices.
Questions that might follow such a change include
Once you're clear about your path, take an omnichannel approach to lead generation and marketing.
Here are some pieces that your approach could include:
Building a personal brand
LinkedIn and social media
Content marketing
Sales and direct outreach
In 2024 and beyond, use the same principles that helped me and my agency friends survive the year before: qualify incoming leads, adapt to a saturated market, focus investments, prepare for the worst, and diversify your lead generation channels.