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  • bedirhan04

What is the best time to send a B2B e-mail?

What is the best day of the week to send out a cold email?

Our study demonstrates that the best days of the week to send outreach emails are Wednesday and Thursday.

These days have the highest reply rates (Wednesday — 7.2%, Thursday — 7.1%) of all the working days. 

In terms of open rates, Wednesday is marginally behind Tuesday (Wednesday's 37% vs. Tuesday’s 37.2%).

What is the most ineffective day to try to get emailed?

Firstly, it is worth noting that this research doesn’t encompass weekends. As you can see, Mondays have the lowest open rates (<35%) and reply rates (6.5%).

In terms of responses, Fridays are equivalent, showing the lowest reply rates — 6.5%. 

What time of day do I have the highest open rates and highest response rates?

As our study shows, cold outreach emails are most likely to be opened if sent between 12 PM and 4 PM. That’s when open rates peak at roughly 41%.

According to our findings, reply rates are highest in the morning, between 7 AM and 11 AM. People may be more likely to open your email in the afternoon, but replies are more common during the morning hours when its rates reach over 7%

Note: The success of your email outreach cannot be solely determined by its open rates. It's important to remember that prospects have the ability to simply open and delete your emails without engaging with them further.

What are the highest open and response rates during which months of the year?

According to our study findings, the results vary when it goes to the best-performing months to send emails. Reply rates don’t shift significantly throughout the year, it’s in the months of April through June that indicators are the highest, floating above 7%.

As for open rates, cold outreach emails’ peak is in January and November (38%)

Cold B2B emails have the highest rate of opens right at the beginning of the year and just before the year’s end, with dips in the summer and the month of December.

Sources and Methodology

All figures and statistics, unless otherwise noted, are derived from SAAS Corner's proprietary data on over 4 million emails sent by our customers.

 from 2022 to 2024.

Response rate was calculated as the number of unique recipients who responded to the outreach email divided by the number of unique recipients contacted in a given industry, country, job function, etc.

Hours of the day, days of the week, and months of the year when either open rates or response rates were highest were considered the "best times" to send B2B cold emails.

Open and reply rates for job titles were estimated based on the total number of unique contacts, email opens, and email replies where the recipient's job title was a variation of a given job title (e.g., CEO, Chief Executive Officer, Founder & CEO). All job titles were taken from the Job Title field in the Apollo data.


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